نوع مقاله : علمی-پژوهشی


استادیار ، گروه تاریخ، دانشگاه رازی، کرمانشاه، ایران


شناخت ماهیت شهر اسلامی، عناصر و اجزاء تشکیل دهنده آن نیازمند مطالعه و کاوش عمیق­تر مفاهیم و اصطلاحاتی است که در منابع و متون تاریخی و جغرافیایی بکار برده شده است. مطالعه سیرتحولات شهرسازی در جهان اسلام نشان از شکل­گیری انواع شهرها در سرزمینهای اسلامی است. یک گونه از شهرهای جهان اسلام، رُصافه ­ها بودند که بیشتر در قرون نخست اسلامی در مجاورت شهرهای بزرگ احداث شدند. با وجود این، سیر تاریخ پیدایش و تحول رصافه­ها، ماهیت، کارکرد و نحوه استفاده آنها  چندان روشن نیست. نوشتار حاضر درصدد روشن ساختن ماهیت دقیق رصافه­ها و چگونگی کارکرد و کاربرد آنها در شهرسازی جهان اسلام می باشد. بر این اساس به نظر می رسد، رصافه­ها گونه­ای از شهرهای اسلامی با خاستگاه باستانی(پیشینی) و دارای مولفه ­ها و عناصر اسلامی بوده و  عمدتاً کارکردهایی  امنیتی، نظامی و تفریحی داشتند. این پژوهش با مطالعه منابع و متون جغرافیایی و تاریخی،  بررسی آراء و نظریه­های مهم در شهرسازی جهان اسلام و با روش توصیفی- تحلیلی به تبیین ماهیت و کارکردهای گوناگون رصافه­ ها در جهان اسلام خواهد پرداخت. 


Extended Abstract:

Analysis and review of the Quiddity and function of Rusāfas

in Islamic urbanity


Introduction: Presenting a relatively comprehensive definition of the concept of the city and its comprehensive understanding requires the study of the historical course of the formation of all types of cities during the Islamic era and in the Islamic world. This issue is possible in the light of studying and examining geographical sources and historical texts, especially local histories Among these texts, especially geographers' descriptions of Islamic cities, a type of cities called "Rusāfa" is mentioned, the definition and nature of which is not very clear. Apparently, in the early Islamic centuries, this word was applied to various places in the regions of the Islamic world, including the lands of Shām, Iraq, Andalusia, Afriqia and Iran. Some believe that the word "Rusāfa" has its roots in the Aramaic language and was later introduced into the Arabic language. The lexicographers deliberately considered this word to be from the root of "Rusef", which means the place where trees and plants grow. Some also believe that Rusāfa was referred to the cities located on the outskirts of the city. Despite this, the meaning and concept of Rusāfa has not been clearly and precisely stated, and for this reason, its nature and functions have remained unclear and unknown to a large extent. Therefore, the questions that are raised among the different types of Islamic cities, with what purpose and motivations were built and what were their functions? Basically, what is the nature of this kind of cities in Islamic era urban planning? Were Rusāfas a type of newly founded cities of the Islamic period or were they basically a part of the city and considered among the components and elements of Islamic urban planning?

This topic has not been analyzed and studied with an analytical and comprehensive approach. The studies that have been carried out are mostly in the form of monographs and have been investigated and researched about some of the Rusāfas of the Islamic world, especially from an archeological point of view; The studies that have been carried out are mostly in the form of monographs and have been investigated and researched about some of the Rusāfas of the Islamic world, especially from an archeological point of view; The same approach was followed by Mustafa Hassoun in the article "Al-Rusāfa Ayām Al-Qassāsna" and he investigated and studied Rusāfa Shām(or Hishām) in the period of Al-Qassān rule before Islam and paid more attention to its physical elements and archaeological features. A book titled "Rusāfa Hoshām and Raqqa al-Rashid" was written about this Rusāfa by Fawād Bostani, which describes Rusāfa Sham and also Rusāfa Raqqa near it. About the Rusāfa of Baghdad, a descriptive and review article entitled "Rusāfa of Baghdad and its surroundings" has been published by Saleh Ahmad Al-̒Alā, which describes and describes one of the most important Rusāfa of the Islamic world.

Method: Initially, the information related to the research topic was collected from historical sources and geographical texts. Then, by studying the opinions and theories of researchers in the field of urbanity in the Islamic world, and based on the framework of existing theories and using a descriptive-analytical method, the nature and functions of Rusāfa in the urbanity of the Islamic world were discussed.

Results: The most important finding of the research was clarifying the nature of Rusāfa as a type of Islamic cities that had security, military and recreational functions.

Discussion and conclusion: Among the types of cities in the Islamic world, Rusāfas were a type of newly founded Islamic cities that followed the pattern of ancient urbanity. Although these types of cities were built according to the model of Roman and Iranian cities around the cities, but in the Islamic era, they underwent fundamental changes in their physical elements and Islamic elements dominated them. In this way, Rusāfa had main elements such as mosque, palace and palace, bazaar and neighborhood. The main feature of Rusāfas, especially in comparison to Rabaz was that they were mainly established at a relatively short distance near big cities or Amsār. This was due to the function and use of this type of cities in the Islamic world, because Rusāfas were built with the purpose of building palaces and castels for the residence of caliphs, rulers and their Brokers. In addition, Rusāfa had political, military and security functions. They were also considered a suitable place for recreation and entertainment for Muslim rulers.

Keywords: Islamic world, urbanity, Rusāfa, quiddity and function

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