نوع مقاله : علمی-پژوهشی


دانش آموخته دکتری و مدرس دانشگاه، گروه تاریخ، دانشگاه ایلام، ایلام، ایران


هدف این تحقیق بازنگری در نظریه خطای تاریخ و دو دغدغه عمده مقاله، یکی، تبیین ضرورت نظریه تاریخ و دوم، بازاندیشی در نظریه خطای تاریخ است. سوال اصلی تحقیق این است که نظریه خطای تاریخ چیست و چگونه می­توان خطا را در نظریه تاریخ تشخیص داد؟ این پژوهش به ­روش تاریخی تحلیل خطا در شش مرحله، انجام شده است. یافته­های تحقیق نشان می­دهد، دانش تاریخ قربانی نزاع بین مارکسیسم و مخالفان نظریه تاریخ مارکس شده است. به عبارت دیگر، یکی از پیامدهای زیانبار جنگ جهانی دوم ویرانی دانش تاریخ بود. مخالفان مارکسیسم –از جمله کارل پوپر- با صورت­بندی نظریه خطای تاریخ تبر بر ریشه دانش تاریخ زده­اند. بنابر این، بازنگری در نظریه خطای تاریخ گامی مهم در جهت بهبود دانش تاریخ است. نظریه خطای تاریخ بر مفروضات خطا متکی است، زیرا تاریخ دانش مبتنی بر رخداد­های منحصربفرد نیست و معرفت تاریخی بر پایه ادراک و تجارب تاریخی مشترک شکل می­گیرد. همچنین، فرض عدم امکان نظریه تاریخ یک خطاست، زیرا تاریخ بخش مهمی از هر نظریه اجتماعی است. اگرچه خطای نظریه تاریخ تاکنون پیامدهای فاجعه­باری داشته است؛ سزاوار نیست دانش تاریخ به صورت کامل نفی شود. موج فزاینده خشونت در جهان و علائم آماده شدن کشورها برای ورود به جنگ جهانی سوم نشان می­دهد سرکوب دانش تاریخ به گسترش صلح و امنیت جهانی منجر نشده است.


Revision in the Theory of History Error

Extended Abstract

The acceleration of scientific and social developments has highlighted the fact that the effectiveness of social theory over time is questionable. It is necessary to revise the theory because parts of theory may be inconsistent with new findings. Making mistakes has a scientific justification for the sake of presenting bold new ideas. Trying to detect the error is a necessity to avoid the harmful consequences and of course, the error itself inspires a new path.

 The science of history has become sacrificed disarmament and the defeat of Marxism. Karl Popper presented the theory of history error in contrast to Marx’s theory of history. This research intends to defend the theory of history while accepting the error of Marx and Marxism. the research has two concerns, the first is the need to explain the necessity of the theory of history and the second is to revise the theory of history error. The main question of the research is what is the theory of history? And how can recognize an error in the theory of history?

This research assumes the following principles: 1. Propositions that have been scientifically proven are valid until their defects and contradictions are proven. 2. The body of knowledge obtained through the logical reasons of these propositions is valid. 3. All history is present history. 4. Theories are made in specific environmental, cultural and biological conditions so, they have an expiration date. 5. Knowledge of history is an integral part of social theory. 6. Theory is the engine of history machine and without theory, the science of history does not work. 7. The theory of history is verifiable and today’s society is the measure of its rightness and wrongness.

As yet, there has been no independent and coherent research on the theory of history error. The present research has highlighted its background in the legacy of Marxism.

This research has been done by historical method of error analysis in six stage. This steps are respectively: 1. Identifying key categories and assumptions. 2. Analysis of relationship among the main categories. 3. Analysis of the general situation of these categories in the current society. 4. Conducting review of the economic analysis of the theory. 5. Comparing key categories of theory with historical facts. 6. Summary and final report.

Based on research findings, theory of history error completely rejects the possibility of theorizing in history. Karl Pooper is the most important theorist of the theory of history error. Popper’s main claim is the refutation of the historical method as a method of scientific theorizing. Edward Thompson also emphasizes the error of historical knowledge. Some assumptions of the theory of history error are: 1. Historicism is a false method to achieve objective knowledge. Because the theory of history is irrefutable. 2. Historicism has revolutionary tendency and therefore leads to totalitarianism and tyranny. 3. Knowledge of history is data-driven. 4. Historical events are objective facts. 5. Knowledge of history is based on unique events. 6. Events have not rules and cannot be generalized. The theory of history error is based on error assumptions. I will mention some of these errors below. Pooper says the theory must be falsifiable, otherwise it is not scientific. This proposition is true for falsifiability principle. It means if falsifiability principle is not falsifiable, so it is not scientific. Refutation of Popper’s principle of falsifiability means that there is a possibility of theorizing in history. Pooper’s theory of history error is focuses on the error of Marxism. In other words, Popper has reduced the theory of history to the theory of Marxism. Also, common historical experiences reject the unique nature of history. For example, among millions of unique lived experience of corona disease there is a number of common experiences that form basis of our understanding of Corona. The findings of the present research summarized in the following propositions: 1. Every knowledge of the world has a theoretical framework and the universe is a theory.2. Theory is not derived from raw data. There is no raw or empty data. 3. History is a dynamic, self-reliant theory, and an integral part of any social research. 4. Theory of history rejects the assumption of history as knowledge of the foundation data and based on evidence. 5. Theory of history admits the error of past generations and tries to diagnose and avoid errors. 6. The theory of history accepts war as an inescapable part of human nature. 7. According to Popperism’s ruling, the knowledge of history has been punished as a supporter of totalitarianism and cause of World War II. 8. The theory of history error has now collapsed due to reliance on erroneous assumptions. Warnings of the beginnings of World War III are a convincing evidence for this claim. 9. According to Marx, economics is one of the main foundations of historical knowledge and economic analysis is absolutely necessary for the theory of history. 10. Knowledge history can help to promote peace, democracy and improve relations between countries in the world.

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