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1 Student of Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin

2 Professor, Imam Khomeini International University,



ran's favorable commercial position on the one hand and the need of Iran, Russia and Europe for some of each other's products on the other hand caused Iranian, Russian and European businessmen to engage in two-way commercial activities in the field of export and import of merchandise, therefore various commercial companies were established in Iran. who engaged in commercial activities and exchange. One of the trading houses that was established during the Qajar period with the purpose of exchange and then trading was Ettehadieh company, which first started its activity in Tabriz and then continued in Tehran around 1312 AH.The Ettehadieh Company took advantage of the proximity of Iran and Russia and established trade relations with European merchants through the sea routes and the northern route to transfer merchandise from the northern route, as well as through the land routes and the southern sea, as well as the western and eastern caravan routes. This article has tried to examine the trade routes for the transportation of goods and their role in the development or non-development of foreign trade, considering the geographical conditions and the land and road routes inside Iran during the Qajar period, relying on the family documents of the Ettehadieh Company.
