Document Type : .


1 phd student of the history of Iran after Islam, Khwarazmi University, Tehran

2 Assistant Professor of History Teaching Department - History Teaching Department - History Teaching Department of Faculty of Literature and Humanities



Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, after his coup d'etat on Mordad,28, 1332, after suppressing the left parties, made the labor unions completely dependent on the government, which was controlled by Savak. In addition to using Savak, he practically neutralized the propaganda of leftist groups by granting welfare privileges to workers. Workers, especially women workers, were suppressed or fired even in case of legal demands. Iran Women's Organization, which was formed with the slogan of social and economic awareness of women, was expected to take effective steps in the field of helping women workers; But due to dependence on the government, it did not have independence. The current research aims to explain performance of the Iranian Women's Organization towards working women from 1342 to 1355; Therefore, it is expected to answer the main question, how can the role and actions of the Iranian Women's Organization be analyzed and evaluated in order to improve the conditions of working women? The argument raised is that the Iranian Women's Organization, despite the initial steps taken to help familiarize working women with their rights and help their well-being, because it was under supervision and control in line with the direction of the Pahlavi government, failed to improve the conditions in practice. They are fruitful. The approach of research is descriptive-analytical and the data is collected by documentary method and based on library sources.
