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1 Department of History, Shabest branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabest, Iran.

2 Department of History, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran

3 Department of History, Abhar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abhar, Iran



The expansion of Iran's relations with the West since the Nasser period made Iranian educated people more familiar with society and new political and economic ideas prevalent in the West And newspapers were one of the modern information tools that could draw people's attention to the country's political and economic backwardness and make the traditional society of Iran more familiar with modern ideas. Some publications such as Soraya, Akhtar, Habal al-Matin, Parrosh, etc., were published abroad due to the strangulation prevailing in the country and entered Iran secretly. These publications played an important role in the beginning of reforms and economic modernization of the Mozaffari period. The research findings of the article show that the authors of these journals are familiar with Iran's economic issues, and while being aware of the political and economic developments in the world, they are also aware of the economic ideas of the West, and the issue of economy in their opinion as It was considered a scientific category that everyone should be aware of With this point of view, while finding the root of the economic problems, the press also put forward reform and modern proposals in the newspapers to get out of it, which seems to be influenced by the economic ideas of the West. The purpose of the article is to examine the economic situation of the Mozaffari era from the perspective of the press and their economic approach to solving problems in that period.
