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1 Assistant Professor of Art research ,Shiraz University, Shiraz , Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Art research ,Shiraz University, Shiraz , Iran.


In the late nineteenth to mid-twentieth century, major changes took place in the traditional organization and methods of production and supply of carpets in the country, the main reasons for these changes should be sought in the commercialization of Iranian carpets and the influence of foreign factors. This commercial approach to carpets led to the emergence of different and new structures in the carpets produced in some areas. Areas such as Kerman, which had a more direct relationship with foreign traders and customers in the form of European and American companies investing in carpet production, saw the most changes in the appearance of their carpets. But it seems that the extensive changes in Kerman carpets at this time cannot be related only to the presence of foreign companies; the main question in this study is the historical analysis of indigenous and local factors influencing these developments along with external factors. The research method is descriptive-analytical and data collection in the form of documents and libraries. According to research results, the most important factors in the extensive carpet developments in this region are as follows: The deep impact of shawl weaving in Kerman carpets, the presence of creative designers and style owners, the effect of technical features of Ravar rural area carpet weaving and the support of some local rulers, extensive activity of domestic traders in the field of carpet production and the region carpets export, the establishment of Iran Carpet Company in the first Pahlavi period, along with the presence of foreign investors in the production of Kerman carpets.


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