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1 Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning/ ShahidBeheshti University

2 PhD student of Urban and Regional Planning/ ShahidBeheshti University


The present paper is aimed at reviewing the evolution of industrial development in Iran,using library-oriented research method. To that aim, both theoretical and empirical evolutionsofthe industrial development wereinitially reviewed.The results indicate that although no particulartransformationhas happened in the theoretical aspects of industry and industrial development in Iran, yet since the 13th century, there has been significant transformation with regard to empirical aspects of industrial development. Theseempirical industrial developments can be classified into three time periods: From the startof the 13th century(AH) up to the end of Qajar era;from the start of Pahlavidynasty up to the Islamic Revolution inIran; and from the Islamic Revolution inIran up to the current era. The review results show that althoughIranhas been one of the leading countriesin the field ofindustrialdevelopmentplans, yet lack orshortage ofinstitutionalprerequisites forinitial industrialdevelopment,on the one hand, and historical domination of government over industry, on the other hand, haveall impeded industrial culture to grow. These factorshave also ledto chaotic institutional environment for industrialdevelopment in Iran. Thus, despite being an industry holder, the country has not been industrialized.  Accordingly, it is suggested that special attention be paid to industrial institutionaldevelopment in Iranthrough increasingregulatoryroleof the government and decreasingits intervening role.


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