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1 Phd student of History, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 professor of History, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran,

3 Assistance professor of History, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran,Iran.



The presence of women in social political movements of contemporary history began with influential movements such as the tobacco movement, and with the rise of constitutional developments, the presence of women in the movements of other cities expanded. The problem of this research is to investigate how the power of women and their presence in the social movements of the constitutional period? The purpose of this research, considering the historical discourses of the constitutional period, how is the presence and participation of women in social and political movements? On the other hand, the women of the elite who came from different parts of Iran in the interior of kings such as Naser al-Din Shah, by using influence on the king in the tobacco movement, were able to movement to have an effective role. In the continuation of the presence of women in the developments of the constitutional period, their influence and the presentation of their demands in various urban movements have been explained in this research. This research is analytical-descriptive. The results of the findings show that the movement of women in the tobacco movement and other women's actions during the constitutional period was accompanied by their hidden authority and influence within the power structure, and men's companionship with protesting women even appeared in very prominent military battles, and in the analysis of the theoretical foundations of power, women By using "open conflict" in the field of fighting against the government, they were able to influence the changes of the constitutional period in numerous models of sit-ins, protests and military battles.


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