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1 PhD Student of History, Islamic Azad University,Yadgaere-Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahre Rey Branch, Tehran Iran

2 Associate Professor of History, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch , Tehran ,Iran


Nazem-Al Islam kermani has had a prominent role in a historiography of the constitutional era and he is a member of modernist and constitutionalist scholars. Historian's journalistic job is an important factor for him to be closely involved in the process of events leading to the victory of constitutionalism and in his book to report political and social events from the time of Naser al-Din Shah to the 13th of Rajab in 1327 AH. With the historical method based on the descriptive-analytical approach, the present article tries to reflect the social discourse in the historiography of Nazim-Al-Islam Kermani. For the aim of that, the below question is proposed: What are the symbols of social discourse in the historiography of Nazim-Al-Islam? What are the symbols of the historian's social vision had on his historical method in reflecting the event of constitutionalism and the later developments? The results of this research shows that the subject, the centrality of the masses in the historian's historical vision and as a result of his attention to the institution of society and people, finding the roots of events and analyzing them, has made his historiography somewhat different from historiography before him. In fact, the historian tried to bring his historiography near to the social historiography by reflecting the social life of the society in different biological fields.


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