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1 َAssistanr professor of history , kharazmi university,Tehran,Iran

2 Associated professor of history, Kharazmi university, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD student of history, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


The three-year reign of Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar has been filled with scenes of conflict between the monarchy and its supporters and constitutional elements. In the meantime, the use of powerful coercive forces to protect the monarchy was obvious. Silakhori Regiment from Lorestan region, which during the Qajar period, always succeeded in local conflicts and was known for its inherent courage and loyalty, was appointed as the Shah's bodyguard and was the vanguard of Mohammad Ali Shah's army in the case of bombing the parliament and arresting and killing constitutionalists. The purpose of the present study is to mention the reasons for Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar's attention and reliance on the Silakhuri regiment in the constitutional developments and also the impact of the regiment's performance on the society of that time. The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical and the method of collecting information is mainly library and based on documents. Examining the documents, it can be concluded that the conditions formed based on the indicators of the Shah's "perceived power" of the loyal military forces; "Mental hatred" of people in response to the actions and behavior of the government and the military forces attributed to it; Finally, the formation of "attitude of dignity" in the soldiers of the Silakhori regiment was due to the acquisition of a special position by Shah Qajar, and although it caused confrontation with his fellow countrymen, in the end, the occurrence of war and subsequent conflicts was inevitable and inevitable.


Extended Abstract
The reasons for Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar's attention to the Silakhori regiment and its impact on the society
Review:   The three-year reign of Muhammad Ali Shah Qajar was full of scenes of conflict and conflict between the institution of the monarchy and its supporters with constitutionalist elements. In the meantime, it was obvious to benefit from powerful coercive militarys in order to protect the monarchy and confront and suppress the constitutionalists. The Silakhori regiment from Lorestan region, which, contrary to the usual rule of weakness and weakness of other Iranian militarys during the Qajar period, were always successful in local conflicts and were famous for their inherent bravery and loyalty, were identified and selected as a trusted military. Soldiers of the Silakhouri Regiment were appointed as personal bodyguards of Mohammad Ali Shah and in the case of the bombing of the parliament and the arrest and killing of the constitutional petitioners, they were the front guards and the main actors on the battlefield in the army of Mohammad Ali Shah. The purpose of the upcoming research is to mention the reasons for Muhammad Ali Shah Qajar's attention and reliance on the Silakhouri regiment in the constitutional developments, as well as the effect of the said regiment's performance on the society of that time, who were generally supporters of the constitution. The research method in this research is descriptive and analytical, and the method of collecting information is mainly library and relying on documents and documents at hand.
Introduction:   The great events of history have always taken place in the context of the intersection of thoughts, ideas and desires of people with different intellectual and theoretical fronts, especially ethnic and religious ones. Investigating the characteristics and causes of these influential events is the result of a relative knowledge of all the factors and actors present and sometimes unknown in the field. During the Qajar period, two important and almost unique events took place in the history of Iran. For the first time, the long-term wars between Iran and Russia and the final defeats of the Iranian army and finally the conclusion of peace agreements with the consequence of imposing huge costs on Iran. The second incident is the approach of constitutionalism and the efforts of freedom seekers and members of the nation to limit the monarchy and create favorable economic and social conditions. The intersection of the effects and consequences of the above events led to the evolution of constitutionalism in Iran and finally the open struggle of the government with the nation. In the meantime, Shah Haqat's reliance on his feeling of empowerment in confronting the nation has been Rashid's military and his loyal ones called the Silakhouri military. In this article, it has been tried to use the written sources of that period, how the Silakhouri regiment was promoted from a local military to the personal bodyguard of Shah, as well as the dimensions of the influence of this regiment's presence in the constitutional developments. In fact, describing the emotions that govern the society of that time and presenting assumptions from the mental imaginations of the actors of the constitutional changes during the time of Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar and based on the behavior of the soldiers of the Silakhouri regiment is one of the expected achievements of this research.
Methodology: The data collection of this research is based on library sources and the research method, considering the situation of the Silakhori regiment and their role in the constitutional events, is analytical-descriptive
Conclusion:  The familiarity of some Iranians with the manifestations of the civilization of Western countries and the backwardness of Iran compared to them, caused the emergence of movements to transfer the western government models to the country and to request the formulation of laws and their implementation. For this reason, the word constitution is common among the people and the formation of a legislative body to limit the power of the autocratic monarchy is requested by all the people of that period. With the granting of the constitutional decree by Muzaffaruddin Shah and the establishment of the National Council, the people of the nation, led by the constitutionalists, succeeded in realizing their ideal. However, with Muhammad Ali Shah's sitting on the seat of the monarchy and his opposition to some demands of the constitutionalists, the confrontation between the militarys defending the monarchy and the supporters of the constitution began in the country, and due to the excitement caused by the issue, it reached the stage of friction and military confrontation. The Silakhori regiment, which was designated by Shah Qajar as a special guard and famous for its bravery and loyalty, eases his imagination as a potential and capable military to fight against the constitutionalists. The protest of some representatives about the presence of the Silakhouri regiment in the capital, and subsequently the extremism of some constitutional figures and obscenity against the king and the royal family, and even an attempt on his life, led to the overflowing of Muhammad Ali Shah's patience and the issuing of an order to bomb the parliament. Observing the actions and behavior of the soldiers of the Silakhouri regiment by the nation caused them to feel "hatred" towards the regiment and its patron, Muhammad Ali Shah Qajar. The intensity of this disgust was so great that in the events of the conquest of Tehran and as soon as the freedom-loving Mujahideen arrived in the capital, the residents and ordinary people also noticeably helped them in confronting the Shah's militarys, especially the Silakhori regiment.
   The important point in these events is the threefold atmosphere created based on the indicators of the Shah's "perceived power" towards the wise and loyal militarys, the "mental hatred" of the people in response to the actions and behavior of the government and the militarys attributed to it, and in The ultimate manifestation of the "attitude of dignity" in the soldiers of the Silakhori regiment is due to obtaining a special position with Shah Qajar, although at the cost of confrontation with their fellow countrymen, which ultimately made the occurrence of war and subsequent conflicts inevitable and inevitable. Of course, in the final judgment of the activity of Silakhouri regiment in constitutional events, this very important point should be kept in mind; Regardless of the legitimacy of each of the conflicting parties, examining the performance of the Silakhouri regiment as a soldier and the conditions and expectations from it, indicates the worthy position and special position of the regiment compared to other militarys of the Qajar period. The soldiers of the Silakhouri regiment, by adhering to the two important principles of bravery and loyalty as a soldier, are an exception in the history of Iran and especially the Qajar period. This matter has been stated many times by the opponents and supporters of this regiment and confirmed their brilliance in the military history of Iran.