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PhD in history, Persian Gulf university, Bushehr, Iran


The increasing expansion of urbanization and the increase in the number of cities and its quantitative and qualitative changes have been influenced by various factors such as industrialization, migration of villagers to cities, economic, social and cultural developments in different societies. From the 1930s onwards, when the country underwent major political changes, internal movements and movements in the country were also very noticeable. At the beginning of the sixties, with the continuation of government development programs and the implementation of social reforms by Mohammad Reza Shah, this mobility and movement in the country intensified. Simultaneously with the third development plan in the country, land reforms were implemented, which was one of the most fundamental social reforms of the Shah in improving the life of rural communities. These programs intensified internal migration, especially rural migration in the country and the growth of cities. In this research, we try to study the growth of urbanization and changes in urban population and the increase in the number of cities in Fars province in the sixties and seventies. The present research method is descriptive-analytical based on library resources. According to the research findings of Fars province, which was one of the major rural centers and tribes and nomads of the country, in the sixties and after, it was faced with widespread migration of villagers to the city and settlement of tribes and nomads in cities. Shiraz, the capital of the province, received more than 50% of the province's internal and external immigrants. The expansion of urban population in Shiraz led to the physical development of the city, the emergence and growth of the phenomenon of marginalization in it.


Extended Abstract

 Investigating the Impact of Migration on Urban Growth in Fars and Its Consequences (1961-1976)

At the beginning of the sixties and the social reforms of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, conditions were created to increase rural migration and urbanization in Iran more than in previous periods. The implementation of social programs and urban development increased the difference between urban and rural communities by allocating more funds to cities. In these programs, the rural population, although larger than the urban population; However, the amount of funds allocated for rural development was much lower than the approved funds for urban development. Most of the urban development programs were spent on improving urban and interurban infrastructure and industrial investment, which led to the prosperity of cities and urban activities. Continuation of this trend reduced the importance of agriculture, the collapse of traditional relations in the villages, the intensification of rural migration, the expansion of urbanization and the growth of cities in different parts of the country. With the expansion of rural migration, the number of cities and urban population in the country increased rapidly. During this period, Fars province, along with the whole country, faced with the growth of urbanization and the rapid increase of urban areas in the province. The growth of urbanization in the province due to having the majority of tribes and nomads in the province was faster than the whole country. According to the 1956 census, the number of cities in Fars province was 17, with a total population of about 358,800. At this time, about 33.9% of the population lived in the city and the rest were in the village or tribes and nomads. Due to the development of urbanism, the urban population of the province reached 540,700 people by 1966 with an annual growth of 4.16 percent. On the other hand, the number of cities in Fars province increased between 1956 and 1966, and 7 villages in the province, whose population exceeded 5,000, were included in the province's cities according to the new laws. As a result, in 1966, the total urban population of the province increased to about 39.8%. The trend of urbanism in the forties and fifties in Fars province continued strongly. The economic and social facilities of Persian cities on the one hand and the economic and social constraints of the villages on the other hand caused the continuation of migrations from rural to urban areas. In addition, the number of cities in Fars province, ie points of five thousand people and more, increased during the second decade of 1966 to 1976. Between 1961 and 1976, due to intra-provincial and extra-provincial migrations, its population growth exceeded the national average. In the thirties in Fars province, including the coastal areas of the Persian Gulf and Bushehr, Fars province had ten points with a population of over ten thousand people. In the next census, which separated the coastal areas from Fars province, with the growth of urbanization in the province, the number of these points increased to 11 urban points with a population of over ten thousand people. These areas were considered as big and old cities of the province, which were always part of the big and prosperous cities of the country.

      In Fars province, Shiraz and Marvdasht had the most urban attractions for rural immigrants. These two cities were known as the industrial hubs of the province and the country due to their economic and social infrastructure as well as agricultural and industrial development facilities. Asphalt roads from Shiraz to Tehran and the country's consumption centers and highways under construction to the port of Bushehr, as well as more health facilities in Shiraz and having electricity and gas facilities were the main reasons for attracting population in Shiraz. In Marvdasht, the existence of agricultural lands, proper irrigation technology, electricity and a 7,000-kilowatt high-voltage power center in this area, as well as the operation of the Dariush Dam, which enabled the operation of 10,000 kilowatts into the region's electricity circulation. Having natural gas facilities, the presence of some industries in the province attracted more people in this area. Shiraz, due to its various infrastructures and as the most important center of capital attraction, was the main center for attracting rural and internal immigrants in the province. With the increase of population in Shiraz, many development projects were implemented in this city, which attracted more population and its physical development. One of the consequences of population growth in cities was inflation and rising house, land and rent prices. In this situation, the poor rural immigrants who were unable to provide houses and rents around the city were added to the urban marginalized population and caused the expansion of marginalization in Shiraz.

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