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1 PHD student of Islamic archaeology, Isfahan university of art, Isfahan, Iran

2 Assistant professor of Archeology University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran.

3 Ph.d. Student of Archeology ,Mazandaran University,Babolsar, Iran.


By the so-called Silk road, Iranian goods entered the Far East and in this case Japan, but due to the closeness of Japanese culture, artifacts did not reach Japanuntil the Sassanid era, and after that communication was almost completely cut off and only a few geographical records in The Islamic world remained about Japan. With the beginning of the era of exploration and colonization, Western countries, including Portugal and the Netherlands, traveled to Iran and Japan, and their products, although limited, were transferred to the two countries, including Safavid carpets and fabrics. The question of the present article is which areas or ports of Japan have been used for the transportation of artifacts used in foreign / international trade since the beginning of the colonial age, whether the designated areas had a background and what factors were involved. Have been influential. The answer to the article is that Sassanid-type products are more of a show of Koreabeing some Client states than of Japan's trade or political ties with Iran, but locate areas in Japan that became major trading centers in the Safavid era, such as the port of Osaka to Kyoto and Nara domains, the port of Nagasaki and the ports of Kanagawa Bay. However, the trade has always been influenced by the culture of Japan and has been discontinued after a short period of time.


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