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Associate Professor of History, Department of History, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. Kerman, Iran.


The culture of work and effort in society plays a fundamental role in promoting the dynamism of societies, And the participation of different classes in production is the main factor in the development of economic and social health. Based on this, this subject focuses on the culture of work and effort in ancient Iran until find out; What role did women play in production In Achaemenid times? And in what domains and under what occupations they played a role? And another matter; what was the attitude of the Achaemenid community to the work of women? And what are the benefits and wages of working women to men? So by examining the tablets of Persepolis, and also with the approach to some historical reports and based on describing and analyzing the available documents and records of the achievements of this research is that; women, like men, have been busy with diverse jobs, and because there was no prohibition on the entry of women into a particular profession and the skill and performance of individuals in their work determined their superiority Women In some businesseshad a remarkable number even from men also were better. They were sometimes chaired by the managers of the workshops on a population of men and women. They were sometimes were managers of the workshops as superior on a population of men and women.


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