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Assistance professor of history, Payam noor university, Tehran,Iran


One of the most important social developments in Iran is the occurrence of unexpected natural disasters. In the local historical study, due to its comprehensive impact on people's lives, the description of natural disasters is a source of serious criticism, because these events are the starting point of many historical developments Is significant in national, local social, political, and economic transformations.This study aims to investigate the economic and social impact of unexpected events such as famine and starvation, cold, flood, earthquake, infectious diseases on the city of Qom in the Nasserite era and its long-term consequences with descriptive-analytical method and data collection method. Explain in the form of libraries and documents. The research findings show that unfortunate and unexpected natural disasters have a negative effect on population decline and weakening the economic system and people's livelihood and have significant effects on political and social events in later periods.


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