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1 PhD student of Architecture, , Islamic Azad University,Qazvin Branch, Qazvin, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran branch, Tehran, Iran.


Caravansaries and saries intra-urban are commercial buildings which have different physical structures despite of similarity in structural existence.The purpose of research is to probe the physical differences caravansaries and saries by studying their type of function and the social and political standing of the founders. The main question of research is that how functioning’s type and standing of founders affects the formation of caravansaries and saries intra-urban.
Because of historical aspect of this research, it had done in historical interpretation method. Some of the data are gathered from field studies with interviewing with old merchants and the others are gathered in documentary sources, from historical sources, travelogues and endowments. The research findings indicates that function of reloading is effective in input position, wide-open spaces more, the creation of stalls, stables of camels and services of courtyard;Functioning of Catering is effective in dimension of caravan’s inhabitance room, accessibility to facilities, hierarchy for entrancing the room, increasing semi-open area’s and creating service spaces;Function of commercial is effective in dimension, the location of the room and back part of a shop and storage, hierarchy for entrancing room, increasing the closed space for maintain the security, the integrated physical structure of workshop space and devote the upstairs rooms to storage lightweight goods or merchants offices. Likewise, social and political standing of the founders can lead to create variety in service and business functions, the prosperity of the commercial caravansaries and saries and the create Timche, and range of decoration for wide-open,semi-open and closed spaces.


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