Document Type : .


1 Assistant Professor, Department of History Shahid Beheshti University

2 MA in History; Shahid Beheshti University


Choram is the name of a region and a big township, and one of big tribes in Kohkilooyeh and Boyerahmad. Because of possessing suitable natural and geographical situation, this region influenced economy of Fars, Khuzestan, and other neighboring regions. Fertile lands, pastures and being settled on trading roads between Persian Gulf beaches and central parts of Iran, and also presence of tribes has resulted in beneficial role of residents in agriculture, husbandry, and commerce. Little distance between summer and winter resorts has caused in a verity of crops and increased economic abilities. Historical facts show that Arrajan (as the historical center and city of Kovaz Khore of Fars) owed some of its blossoming economy to Choram. The present research tries to consider effecting economic elements in Choram using postural, agricultural, and commercial economies with emphasis on economic geography and life styles. It is done using field studies and reviewing geographical and historical texts. The results show that assisting geographical conditions of pastoral life, cultivation of variable summer and winter crops, and being settled on trade roads leading to cities like Arrajan, has influenced economic development of the region.
