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1 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Theology and Education, Farhangian UniversityTehran/Iran

2 PH,d in History, Tabriz University, Tabriz .Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Yasuj University, Yasuj, Iran


The first bill from among the white Revolution bills was land reform which was administered by Mohammad Reza Shah in 1340. One of the main purposes of land reform law was overthrowing feudalism and feudalistic relations. Fars province as one of the biggest provinces of the country was not excluded from such law. By the commencment of land reform implementation, the owners losing their Lands and properties through such law opposed to its implementation. This is a descriptive and analytical study, making use of historical documents and resources, and aims at finding answers to the attitudes of sheriff's residing in northern parts of Fars Province toward the land reform law. Results indicated that some sheriffs depriving from their previous rights decided to oppose the land reform law and did not co-operate with the state officials in implementing such law. On the other hand, they started to fire the farmers from their villages, confiscate their properties, and loot their agricultural products in order to show their dissatisfaction to the land reform law. Of course, , in some rare cases in northern parts of Fars province, some sheriffs decided to co-operate with land reform officials in decreasing the Taxes paid by the Farmers. However, the complete implementation of the land reform law was not reached till the Islamic revolution came into vogue.


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