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Associate Professor, of History/Tabriz University


Tabriz was considered as one of the most important centers of Iranian trade in Ilkhanides. Although due to the collapse of the Ilkhanides, there was an interruption in the foreign trade of the city, Tabriz trade was revived in Qara Qoyunlu and then Aq Qoyunlu eras. From the Ozon Hasan Aq Qoyunlu period, Tabriz became a major market for the exchange of Indian, Chinese, Qepchagh, Iranian, European, Ottoman and Sham goods. There were varieties of Indian spices, Yazdi, Samarqandi, European, Aleppo, all types of sable skins, squirrel, fox, porcelain and Chinese goods such as cloth, gold embroidered blouse, atlas, musk, wax, nail and silk of Ghilan, Mazandaran, Sharvan in Tabriz. Merchants of different lands were gathered in the city and exchanged their goods. The Tabriz merchants exchanged Iran's manufactured goods in Ottoman and Sham with the goods of other lands. In this article, the foreign trade of Tabriz is examined in the Aq Qoyunlu period. Aq Qoyunlu roler understanded with the trade revenue so they prepared the prospering of foreign trade of Tabriz .It can show the position of the Tabriz business and its importance in international trade in this era.


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