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Assistant Professor of History/University of Sistan and Baluchestan(USB)


Since 545 AD, there has been evidence of the Turkic Khaganat's political-economic contacts with the Sassanid government. Bumin Khagan (551–552), before acceding to the Turkic Khaganate throne, had contacted the Sassanid Empire. From the 555 AD, after the sovrenity of khagante over area beyond the Syr Darya, Khaqanate was neighbors to the Sasanians, and the political- economic contacts between the two governments began from that time on. Economic issues increased the level of such contacts. In any case, this research, using the historical research method, referring to various evidences, including Roman sources, attempts to show the facts of the relations between the Sassanid and Khaganat governments during one of the famous Iranian kings. The research results from this article will enable the reader to gain a fairly clear picture of the economic-political relations of the Sassanid and Göktürk states during the Khosrow-I era. Determining the role of the Byzantine Empire in relation to the economic intentions of the Turks and Sassanid kings and its impact on the economic trends of the world at that time will be current research conclusion.


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