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Assistant Professor of history, Research Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


‘New political history’ is a conceptual and methodological approach to the field of history, which was shaped by the formation of the science of history in the field of new historiography, and in the second half of the twentieth century it became a general public movement. One of the most common discourses in political history is the difference between ‘new’ and ‘traditional’ political history. Thematic, conceptual, methodological and theoretical discussions can be developed in this regard and can help to define and deepen the studies of ‘new political history’.The data show thatdespite the long history of writing political history texts, the conceptual and methodological framework of political history has not been shaped yet in a general sense, and this negligence has also affected the ‘new political history’. The present study is aimed at introducing an entry in the field of new political history and at finding its horizons. This study has examined the resources on the ‘new political history, in which on canconsider new horizons in the field of political history, such as reviving the meaning and scope of political affairs, cultural and linguistic issues, and their effects on history Politics, and the formation of topics like widespread political participation, public and national identities, the philosophy of modern history and its impact on politics, etc., can be.


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